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Page 2

  His nose grazed hers as he pressed his mouth and the rest of his body against hers.

  She thought she was going to lose the strength of her legs in a moment and just collapse into a heap on the ground. She couldn’t believe how good his mouth felt—how warm it was. How the feeling of his tongue moving and swirling around in her mouth made her nipples hurt against the cotton fabric of her bra. The urgency of the kiss slowed when she relaxed against him, and he let his mouth play over hers. Letting his jaw work until it seemed like their mouths were mating rather then kissing. She didn’t move to touch him she kept her arms down by her sides. Despite the fact she enjoyed the kiss, she was scared to death. He pulled back slightly and their mouths pulled apart like two glued pieces of paper.

  Lorna felt herself trembling against the wall. She looked into Simon’s eyes, he stared at her with eyes that were now more green than blue. His mouth was flushed a deep red almost as if he were wearing lipstick. She didn’t move, not one inch, even as he undid the buttons on his coat. She stood and watched his face as her hand moved up to her mouth. A low whimper escaped her when he came toward her again.

  Simon put both hands under her ass and lifted her up against the wall. Her gasp was loud enough for anyone around to hear. Not only was she shocked that he could lift her, but he had lifted her so that now his bulging crotch was pressed directly between her legs. Even through the thick jeans she wore her pussy throbbed to life. And if that wasn’t enough, he was moving his hips up and down under her mimicking the act of love. His face was so close to hers as their bodies moved that she could see the colors of his eyes swirling around like storm clouds. His skin was cool at first then warm and smooth as a baby’s skin. His erection was growing beneath her. She could feel it as his hips rolled against hers. An erotic shock cut through her like lightning. Simon grunted against her face when she clamped her thighs over his and recovered her swollen mouth with his.

  His hand went under her bulky coat. The only barrier left was her sweater, which he easily lifted and caressed her back with his cool gloved hand making his way up to her bra strap. As he attempted this maneuver she began to slide down the wall.

  When Lorna got so low his back began to bend, Simon used the thrust of his hips to lift her back up against the wall. They both moaned. The motion caused his slacks-covered cock to mold itself to the inside of her as the pressure from her body pushed down on him as he pushed up. Simon lifted his mouth from hers as she gasped, grabbing at his shoulders. His lips moved over her cheek until he was at her ear. “Do you want to feel me inside of you, Lorna?”

  His thighs clenched harder as the question left his lips, and she writhed her pelvis against his. He held her tightly as he continued to grind his flesh into hers. The barriers of clothing that prevented such an entry intensified their arousal. Panting breaths and the rustling of clothes were all that could be heard in the alley as traffic and car horns sounded in the distance.

  There was a noise on the other end of the alley. She felt him tense and so did she, it was followed by another noise and he pulled away from her.

  “Fuck,” he hissed as he tried to arrange his clothes. The massive hard-on had grown since her last sight of it. Lorna tried to steady herself as she tried to stand away from the wall. Her pussy was so wet she could feel it slush between her legs as she shifted her stance. It appeared his erection was causing him difficulty as well.

  Simon backed away from her with his legs spread slightly. He was breathing through an open mouth, and she could see little clouds of breath leaving his body.

  Lorna stepped toward him and slapped him hard across his face with all her might. The crack echoed in the alley and he was turned sideways from the force of it. He lifted his gloved hand to his now reddened cheek. His mouth agape from shock and he looked back at her with genuine surprise.

  She had never slapped a man in her life. Her whole hand stung from the force of it.

  When Lorna heard voices and the sound of a metal door scraping, she reached down and grabbed her bags from the ground. Without another look at Simon she ran down the alley as fast as her legs could take her.

  Chapter Two

  Lorna took the subway home. As she sat there while the guy next to her listened to his I-Pod on full blast, all she could do was try to force the images and feelings of what had happened out of her mind. As hard as she tried, the image would not leave her head. It was as if she were still in that alley, pressed against the wall and she could feel Simon’s groin vibrating against her. She shifted in the seat clamping her thighs together.

  It was strange because he had grabbed her without her consent. She felt violated, yet she had found pleasure in what he had done, so what did that mean? That you’re horny and desperate.

  Do you want to feel me inside of you, Lorna? She slammed her eyes tightly closed as if that would stop the sound of his voice from sounding like it was right by her ear.

  When she reached home it was like she was out of breath, even though she hadn’t run home. She almost felt like it, wondering if Simon was still behind her. Feeling his body heat though her heavy coat and his woolen one like they were skin to skin instead of standing apart in thirty-degree weather. It was ridiculous for her to look behind her shoulder as if she was going to see him there. He was miles away now. Probably not even thinking about her. It was still hard to believe it had happened as she got to her house.

  She went inside and didn’t worry about greeting her mother who was gone to work from three until seven the next morning.

  Entering her room, she tossed her coat and bags on her unmade bed. Kicking off her shoes against the wall she went to her stereo, placing the headphones on she lay down in front of it. Hoping a little Angie Stone or Janet Jackson would alleviate her troubles for a while. As several of her favorite cuts whizzed by instead of singing along with the words she silent stared up at the ceiling. Then as the tempo of the album changed and the first bars of Anytime, Anyplace came in, Lorna had images of Simon brought forth by Janet’s lyrics.

  As Janet seductively sang, ‘Skirt around my waist, wall against my face—’ Lorna reached up and hit the controls with a slap similar to the one she’d given Simon. The sound cut off in her ears and she was left with her own torturous thoughts. Even her stereo was an enemy now.

  A knocking at the front door downstairs made her groan. It was dark outside, who on earth could it be? She let her sock-covered feet slip down the stairs at breakneck speed since she was so used to climbing up and down them. When she peeked discreetly through the curtain from the side she saw her friend Tianna standing there holding the folds of her coat closed, her lips pursed together as she exhaled warm air like a train out of her mouth.

  Lorna promptly opened the door and headed back upstairs without looking back.

  Tianna rushed in and hurriedly closed the door. “Dang girl, I thought you would never open the door.”

  “You just knocked.” Lorna sighed.

  “It’s cold as hell out there, shoot.”

  “So what are you doing out?”

  “I came by to get my bra.”

  Lorna’s head shot back as she went through the door of her bedroom. “You came here to get your bra but you wouldn’t go back to the store?”

  “No. I will come to you’re house but I wasn’t about to go back downtown.”

  “You know what you are? You’re a user.”

  Tianna grinned as she sat on the bed. “Whateva.”

  She reached over and began to rummage through all the bags and pulled out Lorna’s Gucci box from the pretty paper bag with engraved lettering.

  She flipped it over in her hand. “I don’t know why you bought this.”

  “Because it smells nice.”

  “It does smell nice but you’re never going to wear it. You don’t go anywhere.”

  “I do!”

  “To stores! Work, home!” She giggled in that cackling way she had which usually made Lorna laugh at her jokes even when they weren’t fun
ny or at her expense.

  “Shut up,” Lorna said. Only making Tianna laugh harder.

  Lorna turned the TV on. Changing channels to BET since she knew Tianna always liked watching videos. She was getting more than jaded with them herself. How many times should a person have to watch a Southern rapper flash his platinum grill into the screen close up? Lorna rolled her eyes at a girl whose lower butt cheeks were displayed to the latest bumping track while some ugly guy pointed at it.

  She sat on the edge of her bed with her ankles crossed as Tianna looked through the bags.

  “Who’s Simon Dalton?”

  Lorna froze as her friend’s words put her into shock. Since she knew her face reflected her surprise she tried to make her voice sound nonchalant. “Who?”

  “Simon Dalton,” Tianna repeated.

  Lorna turned slowly on the bed so her panic would not show.

  Tianna was looking at a black business card. She held it up then tossed it with a flick of her wrist, sending it spinning low across the bed, cracking softly against Lorna’s jean-clan thigh before landing on her comforter, face down.

  “Why do you have a stockbroker’s card in your bag?”

  Lorna shrugged and hoped her expression didn’t reveal more than it should as she stared at her friend. “Don’t know. Maybe there was a mix up at the counter or something.”

  Tianna shrugged and started to watch TV. Thankfully she asked no more questions.

  Lorna picked up the card and threw it into her tiny wastebasket.


  After Tianna left from her bra pick up, Lorna sat on the edge of her bed with both hands on the top of her thighs. She rubbed them up and down as she debated with herself if she should get the card. She could at least look at it right? Then she wondered how it had gotten into her bag.

  Moron, it’s in your bag because he put it there! He wants you to call him.

  She debated and thought and debated again as her leg shook in anticipation.

  Finally she went to the basket and looked though until she found his card, which had somehow ended up at the bottom. Thankfully, she had nothing slimy in the trash and it emerged clean. Sure enough, dead center in raised elegant letters read ‘Simon Dalton’. Below the company name he worked for and a cell phone number.

  Lorna licked her dry lips and placed the card down on the bed.

  Later, lying down on the bed with her knees pulled up, the wheels of her mind started turning again.

  I think you should call him.


  Why not? I think you should call him. Tell him what a pervert you think he is for thinking he can grab on women and touch them anyway he wants to. He really didn’t have any business doing that.

  But it was great! My God, have you ever felt anything like that in your life! I have never felt anything like that in my life. Getting lifted up like some hussy in a cheap paperback! That was so cool.

  So, still what does it matter? What would have happened if no one had come outside? Were you really going to let some strange white guy—not white guy, any guy—stick his dick in you—in public? Are you insane? Call him and tell him you’re going to report him to the police.

  He probably still has a bruise on his cheek from that slap. I’d like to see how he’s going to explain that at work tomorrow.

  Okay, so you slapped him—you slapped him and that was your revenge.

  Revenge for what? I liked it!

  Just to stop hearing her conscience at war, she snatched the phone off the receiver and called him. The phone rang several times and then his voice mail came in.

  His own voice said, “Hello, this is Simon Dalton. Please leave your name and number and I will be sure to get back to you.”

  Her mouth was dry and her hand was sweating as it slipped on the phone, almost dropping it. She pushed the end button and slammed it back down on the receiver.


  Lorna was in the middle of a blissful dreamless sleep when the phone’s ringing interrupted her slumber. She opened one eye and found the clock’s red numbers staring back at her: eleven fifty.

  She reached for the receiver, her sleepy hand letting it drag over the nightstand and the sheet before it got to her ear. She held it there awkwardly as she croaked, “Hey mom, I’m in the house and asleep, okay.”


  Both her eyes opened under a veil of untied relaxed hair.


  “How--how did you get this number?”

  He sounded amused. “Well, it was in my cell phone along with the one dead air message I have ever received.”

  “Why are you calling me?” Her voice was hoarse from shock and the fact that she’d just awakened.

  “Why did you call me?” he asked quietly.

  She sat up. “You left your card in my bag.”

  “Though you did not have to call.”

  Dead air.

  “So why did you call, Lorna?”

  She gripped the receiver. “I was going to tell you…what a...pervert I thought you were. And that you have no business putting your hands on women like that.” There, she’d said it!

  There was a pause. He didn’t speak nor did she. She wondered if he was going to hang up on her.

  “You didn’t seem receptive to my gentlemanly approach so I decided to try another tactic.”

  “What is that? The America’s Most Wanted method?”

  He laughed. “Interesting that you would put it that way. But yes, I suppose it is. I don’t understand you American girls. I like you but I don’t understand you. You like to challenge so much.”

  “I wasn’t challenging you. I told you no.”

  “And yet another part of you said yes. Therein lay the challenge.”

  Lorna gnashed her teeth. Why did he have all these damn comebacks?

  “Would you like to know which part?”

  She sucked in her breath and knew he heard it through the phone. She didn’t need to know which part, parts rather—they were the same ones that were tingling now.

  “No, no, I don’t want to know.”

  “I think we disagree there. I think you do want to know…”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Oh yeah, you do. I think you would like to know very much.”

  “I’m not going to sit here and let you talk dirty to me on the phone.”

  Simon laughed shortly into the phone, and it was the cutest sound.

  “Then hang up.”

  Lorna swallowed.

  “I don’t have too much of a hold on you, you realize. I am where I am and you are where you are.”

  That wasn’t true and they both knew it.

  Lorna moved in her bed until her back rested against the headboard. “How do you know I’m not underage?”

  “Are you underage?” Either he really wasn’t concerned or good at hiding it. His voice held the same cool demeanor it had when he’d first said her name.

  “You could go to jail for statutory rape for what happened this afternoon.” She wasn’t sure about all that but she said it anyway.

  “Are you underage?” he repeated.

  Silence hung in the air for a few minutes, and she smiled at the thought of him waiting impatiently for her answer.

  “No,” she said finally.

  “So why did you even say that? Oh,” his voice made a low melodic hum that cause Lorna’s toes to crinkle in the bed, “you’re a tease.”

  She gasped. “What are you talking about? I am not.”

  “A classic tease.”

  Rolling her eyes she said, “I am not a tease. You just don’t comprehend the word no.”

  “When a woman moans in my mouth and clenches her thighs around me like she wishes my cock could penetrate jeans, a gentleman could get a little confused.”

  Lorna pulled the phone from her ear but she’d still heard every word. And it burned her.

  When she put the phone to her ear again he was laughing. A slow, throaty laugh with pauses in
between. It was a satisfied sly laugh.

  “Tease,” he said again.


  A sound came through the phone, making her think he was drinking something.

  “Prove it.”

  She wiped her hand over her brow to get the hair out of her face. “I can’t.”

  “Of course you can,” he paused, “Are you in bed?”

  Lorna closed her eyes. “Yes.”

  He made a light sound of approval. “Good, then this is what I want you do. Open your legs wide and pleasure yourself for me…”

  Lorna hung up the phone. She didn’t just hang up, she tossed it like it was covered with spiders, and it landed on the edge of her bed. She pulled her legs up and buried her face into her knees. She could hear her breath come out in pants and the sound of her heartbeat thumped in her ears. He was a pervert. He was, she thought as a familiar throbbing centered between her thighs.

  After a few moments the phone began to ring. Lorna jumped at the sound but didn’t pick it up. She gripped her feet almost painfully with her hands.

  After a few more rings the answering machine picked up.

  “Lorna? Lorna?” A pause. “Do you see what I mean about you’re teasing? Do you know how hard I am right now?”

  Oh my God, she was going to have to erase this message before her mother came home!

  “Pick up the phone.”

  She didn’t know anything about this man. What was she doing talking to someone like this in the middle of the night?

  “Lorna, are you scared?”

  She yanked the phone up from the edge of the bed.

  “I’m not scared of you.”

  “Good,” he answered. “I despise answering machines, by the way.”

  “I despise you!” she spat. She didn’t but it was a quick comeback.